Product Types and Labor Types - QPro Setup (Part 4)

As a continuation of previous QNews’ articles (you can access them via the links), in this series we are providing helpful tips on setting up QPro for your business. After completing the setup of Company, Locations, Employees, Sales Tax, and Sales Tax Table, next comes Product Types and Labor Types.
Product Types Setup
It’s important to understand that in QPro each product has a product type which describes how that product reacts and works when it is selected in certain parts of the program. These product types also are associated with the fcB2B standards. In that standard, it calls out the default product types we have listed in QPro, plus even more than what you will define. This describes how that product will react and what the characteristics are of that product. In QPro you can add, delete, and modify these product types. The video below will walk you through the steps to set up product types in QPro.
Labor Types Setup
Next, setting up labor types allows for custom installer costs. It solves the issue when cost varies amongst installers. When you define labor types, this information will be used to fill out a sales order. On the sales order there are specific lines to work with and one is called a labor line. In the video you will see how to work with labor types on the labor line, and how to set up an installer in the employee screen to be assigned to the correct cost level. You can add, delete, and modify all labor types. Please see the video below to get started.
Training Videos and Customer Support
As you continue setting up QPro, it will be helpful to keep these training videos handy via this link (or you can also access them in QPro by clicking on the “?” found in the top right corner). We want you to feel supported as you set up QPro. In addition to the training videos, our support department is here as a resource for you as well. The QPro training that our support department provides goes above and beyond other flooring software products. There are many ways to connect with support - keep this article bookmarked for support and training options.
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