QPro Development*****ARCHIVE QPro1
The QPro development team works constantly to improve our software through the release of bug fixes and new features. See what our different products can do for your business!
Version updates
QPro updates are deployed from 7-8pm MT. You may experience 10-15 minutes of downtime when updates are in progress.
Before contacting support, ensure that you're running the latest version of QPro by clearing out your Chrome browser's cached data and refreshing your browser.
Bug fixes
- #26215 | Missing Product Overhead on JC Window
- #27623 | JC Report does not show freight
- #25471 | CARE pop up to many times
- #20709 | Can't select a material from the material drop down on the sales order
Bug fixes
- #28532 | JC | Misc will only take 6 characters
Bug fixes
- #26215 | Missing Product Overhead on JC Window
- #26214 | JC tax not updating when sales tax on sale is changed
- #27332 | Refresh issue - When updating an existing proposal the total does not get updated on the print out.
- #27664 | Can't add material to the catalog through the material screen
- #25275 | Kit status did not change to ready when all materials were received
- #27163 | Terms cut off on the right on print out
- #27508 | QPro sales orders changing the information (lines) | On hold - need video
- #27156 | Sales rep list search does not show any data
Bug fixes
- #27420 | Calculation Issue
- #27506 | Save button doesn't highlight when selecting Sale Date\Install Date
Bug fixes
- #27168 | QPro sales orders missing lines with total - lock down subtotal.
- #25272 | QPro - Unresponsiveness when printing PO
- #25689 | QPro Can't add product to the catalog from the material screen.
- #25274 | QPro - Cost from sale nor catalog not populating on newly created material PO
QProPay - Additional functionality:
- PO BOX field
- Dynamic label depending on how payment is processing
- Customer Token
#20636 | Sales Order Printing
- Preference to show three options: Invoice/Proposal, Sales Order/Proposal, No Title
Bug fixes
- #20564 | Description field slower in returning results on product line - (result of CARE message) - Improved speed.
- #21154 | Material Inventory issue
- #21161 | Purchase Orders | Box appears in error
- #21099 | Issues creating materials and adding to catalog
- #21402 | Line item unit per cost rounding issue converting SF/SY
- #22128 | They sent products to gone without realizing it will do adjustment
- QProPay
- Preference to save the token when there is a balance
Bug fixes
- #20710 & Q7-3155 | Balance not updating on a sales order
- #20311 & Q7-3140 | Retail Price Formula is inactive but still shows and can be applied to a sale line
Printing Preferences
- Preferences can now be saved
- The functionality for the saved preferences is in progress
- QProPay
- Pre-Print | Tax, Labor and Commissions
- Bug fixes
Bug fixes
- #19491 & Q7-3111 | CARE needed message did not come up when typing in style and color not in catalog
- Q7-3102 | Comment line | nested comments under a product or labor line cannot have a cost or a price
- #20052 & Q7-3126 | Contact Manager - Contact, Customer, Vendor - fixed sorting and search issues in certain cases
- Reports & Printing | Job Cost, Pricelist (Product Catalog), Job Profitability, Sales Commission by Salesperson/Location
Bug fixes
- #19488 Misspelling of "Misc Charge" in Sales Tax Setup
- Q7-2960/2997 | User is notified when they don't have permissions/access to do an action.
- Q7-3049/3094 | Sales order line updates with negative totals
Bug fixes
- #18120 | QPro - JC not coming over
- #18457 | Sales Tax set up & Sales Tax Tables - display issue
- #17135 | QPro - column sort - additional small improvements
Bug fixes
- #13668/Q7-2833 Grid/List (Sales / Materials) | Adjust Column Width
- #13837/Q7-2901 | Save Column Selection
Bug fixes
- #16390/Q7-2974 | B2B | Import Successful window flashes too quickly
- #17614/Q7-3059 | Work Order - BEFORE - Calc Error
- #17108,#17135/Q7-3021 & Q7-3027 | Grid/List Sort and Searching improvements
- #15251 | Better Searching/Product Assignment on Sale Lines
- #1700 | Unassign "x" button in materials screen on material detail not displaying/being cutoff
- #18294, #18293, #18292 & Q7-3077| Fixed search regression
- #17957 | Taxable/Untaxable feature
- Q7-2698 | Material Screen | Display/styling error on column setup in some user cases.
- Q7-2713 | Materials Screen | All Tabs show the same options with the Column Setup.
- Q7-17135 | QPro - column sort not working properly/Improvements
- Q7-2698 & Q7-2713 | Material Display Column settings
Bug fixes
- #17507 | Orders tab in Sales screen displaying more than just Order status sales orders | Tabs get out of sync and including the wrong statuses.
Bug fixes
- #17198/Q7-3047 & Q7/3052 | Material Screen List not updating Physical Balance - Visual refresh issue.
- Q7-3042 | Sales Commission | Fixed total, updated label, and updated to money format.
- Q7-3043 | Payments not showing | Fixed missing employee issue causing payments not to show.
- Q7-3051 | Contact lookup search and data fix
Bug fixes
- #15308/Q7-2922 | Contact Manager is missing the Zip column | Fixing search and sort on several fields
- #16529/Q7-2984 | QuickBooks Deposit Window | Payment list - Paging and sort by column
- #15966/Q7-3040 | Post-Import Pricelist - Removed Description# in Description List View to match QFloors
- Q7-2991 | Payment | Add ACH and update labels with Return and Void
- Q7-2956 | Material Details | Color disappearing to user after save
- #13869/Q7-2915 & Q7-2959 | CSV Inventory Import No Bad Format Error Message, B2B Character sets
Bug fixes
- #16531/Q7-2944 | Work Order | Phone number, email and Unit# aren't printing
Bug fixes
- #16670/Q7-2995 | Printed sales order with title based on status
- Q7-2967 | Print Sales Order | Deleting kit lines from a Sales Order does not refresh sales tax on the sales order without a hard refresh.
Bug fixes
- #16696/Q7-2989 | Product Catalog | When the roll or cut cost is over 1,000 it causes a save error at the description level.
- Q7-2955 | User should not be able to create multiple manuf. with the same name.
Bug fixes
- Q7-2965 | Sales and Material List | Default sort with highest Manufacturer and Sales Order num at the top of list and then descends
- Q7-2913 | Kit Catalog | If more than one kit in a kit template only the first kit adding on a sales order
Bug fixes
- #16618/Q7-2985 | Order and Ready Order Tabs - Fix tabs/filter status
Bug fixes
- #16529/Q7-2980 - QuickBooks Deposit Window | Payment list - fixed the records to show all of them. The paging and sort by column is being prioritized in development.
Bug fixes
- #14974/Q7-2918 | After selecting contact - Bill To Information not filling in right away.
Bug fixes
- #16046/Q7-2951 | When any line is selected to not be printable the lump sum option does not work (1/29/21)
- #15465/Q7-2934 | Ship to, Bill to, and Sold to fields are not displaying with correct information on invoice print out (ETA 1/29/21)
Bug fixes
- #16213 & #13393/Q7-2820 | Comment/Discount Lines Not Printing when it's the only line under a kit
- #14975/Q7-2919 | Sold To City Dropdown Search and Paging
- #16367/Q7-2977 | B2B vendor list not populating
Bug fixes
- #16245/Q7-2968 | Month To Date - Sales Order - Sales order with today's date not showing after save in the list
Bug fixes
- Sales Message | Fixed the loading message after the save when there are 10+ kits.
- #15948/Q7-2949 | Exporting price list and trying to reimport is not working
Bug fixes
- #13845/Q7-2847 | Sales Order List | User is now unable to remove the total column.
- #13732/Q7-2840 | Column Printing (Sales / Materials) | List Window Printing with the sorted options
- #15296/Q7-2943 | CSV File "Close Button Error"
- Q7-2759 | Custom Dates on list side of the screen does not trigger a report with those dates.
- QuickBooks updates
Bug fixes
- #14973/Q7-2917 | Installers should not show in Payments Dropdown box
- #14940/Q7-2916 | Proposal Not showing on Sales Order Print | Fixed second user case when creating from "New" and printing right after the save.
- Q7-2931 | Job Cost | Visual refresh fix on total
- Q7-2894 | Job Cost | Ability to check and uncheck printable option if line is job costed.
Bug fixes
- #15595/Q7-2941 & Q7-2942 | Work order printing, Miscalculation
Bug fixes
- Q7-1743 | Version feature not working on live/production - customer will be notified if they are not on the latest version.
- #14725/Q7-2920 | Can't add a Color to Product Catalog where name only has numbers
- Q7-2900 | Location Setup | Location Identifier should be required
Bug fixes
- #15466/Q7-2932 | Inventory (Materials) Import | Cost, Physical Balance, Balance - not populating
- #15304 | Materials section Label/Picklist naming inconsistencies
- #14940/Q7-2916 | Proposal Not showing on Sales Order Print
Bug fixes
#14625 & #14098/Q7-2883 | Sales Tax Report
- Seamless process after save, to open, and print the report
- View/Print the report in landscape
- #15302/Q7-2921 | Contact, Customer, Vendor - Show zip without scroll and update labels
- #13741/Q7-2818 | Creating Manufacturer/Style from Sales Confirmation Screen
- #13393/Q7-2820 | Sales Order | Comment (Discount) Lines Not Printing when it is above other lines at the same level or the only line
- #/Q7-2924 | QuickBooks | Labels and Update File type on export to .iif
#14625 & #14098/Q7-2883 | Sales Tax Report
Bug fixes
- #15309 | Sales order updated Phone 2 label and Contact Manager Phone 2
- #15307 | Convert to Customer Account missing capital C
- #15305 | Sales Order placeholder text (updated in several places but not all yet) and totals formatting issues
- #15303 | Material section consistent labels issue
- #15301 | Misspellings, Formatting, Inconsistent
- Quickbooks Live and Journal Entry Fix
Bug fixes
- #15060/Q7-2897 | Sales Tax refresh and display - print | Comment Line
- Quickbooks integration
- Sales Order and Work Order | Select which lines to Print/Not Print
Bug fixes
- Q7-2897 | Kit Catalog Totals | Kits within kits is causing total issues
- #14217/Q7-2893 | User getting kicked out after creating Kit if they expand before save
- #14625/Q7-2883 | Sales Tax Report | Add the additional columns before finalizing to match the same data shown in QFloors
Bug fixes
- #13845/Q7-2847 | Sales Order List | Total Column default always showing | One small update needed so the user can't delete the column/always showing
- #14625/Q7-2883 | Sales Tax Report | Totals not showing before finalizing and improved User Experience once a report is saved.
- Small improvement to column widths
Bug fixes
- MeasureSquare | Sales Tax calculations
- Login Screen | Show username/password error
Bug fixes
- #13525/Q7-2829 | Product Catalog | Dropdown Selections Product Type, Skipping Units
Bug fixes
- #13952/Q7-2844 | Product Line | Fixed visual issue when over $1,000.00
- #13942/Q7-2846 | QPro on order receiving bug
Bug fixes
- #13952/Q7-2844 | Product Line | Not calculating when not in the product catalog and over $1,000.00
- Customer Account | Updated Label to include Company Name and Required Field for Last Name/Company Name
Bug fixes
- #13528/Q7-2825 | Sales Order | Sales Tax - Active Button, Location
Bug fixes
- #13527 & #13804/Q7-2838 | Customer Account | Name fields, update column name, account number generation from contact to customer, state and city fields
Bug fixes
- Q7-2815 | Sales Order | Fix CSS on drag/drop with kits
- #13960, #14097, & #14080 /Q7-2849 | Sales Tax Rounding Issue
- #13682/Q7-2834 | Material Screen | Comment field in materials detail window isn't working
Bug fixes
- Q7-2819 | Proposal | Add product to proposal without removing proposal status and add product to proposal in all user cases.
Bug fixes
- #13974/Q7-2845 | Colors not showing in dropdown list (only returning up to 20)
Bug fixes
- Material Screen | Description # on New fixed
- Sales Order | Job Costing | Total Freight Cost rounded to cent
- Work Order Print | Added address line #2 and lot number in ship address
Bug fixes
- Sales Order | Job Costing rounding bug (Total Freight Cost being fixed)
Bug fixes
- Sales Order/Proposal Print | Fixed display of logo
- Sales Order/Proposal Print | Fixed print preview (PDF) and printing
- Sales Order | Fixed duplicate kit, discard, and then save bug
- Improved total error message/popup
- Version control feature | fixed a case where it didn't always refresh correctly
Bug fixes
- Material Screen | User can change the status on a Material even if it isn't in the product catalog
- Sales Payment Report | Allow Scrolling of long reports and users will need to enter a date range before they can view the report
Bug fixes
- Job Cost | Installer must be selected in order to finalize a labor line and fixed modal closing when clicking outside the modal.
- Help | Support Link and Logo Updated
- Auto update feature | QPro will check if the latest version is loading. If it isn't it will prompt the user.
Bug fixes
- Sales Order | A second kit from the catalog has problems populating. If you add a kit and save you can add a second kit. The fix is to be able to add as many kits from the catalog without having to save after each one.
- Sales Order | Location on a sales order can be changed
Bug fixes
- Sales Order Print | Added address line #2 and lot number in ship address
Bug fixes
- Sales Order | Labor Lines become very slow every time a Labor Type is selected.
Bug fixes
- Product Catalog | Description was being overwritten in some cases instead of adding a new description. Manufacture save button only appears after editing.
- Sales Order | Labor Line - Total Price doesn't update correctly in the thousands.
- Product Catalog | Warning message and look updated when deleting at the manufacture level.
Bug fixes
- Sales Order Product Line | Description | Improved searching on description
- Sales Order Print | Increase margins and improve layout after the first page. Totals should only show on the last page.
- Import/Upload Contacts from CSV
Bug fixes
- Ready Order and Order on Sales Order Tab not showing correct status
- MeasureSquare | Correct totals being saved, but the UI gets slightly out of sync and throws total error. It's fixed with a refresh. Working on the correct totals displaying what is saved.
- Sales Commission Report Modal | List pagination not working
- Sales Commission | Table shouldn't be able to save without a name
- Employee | Access modal spins and doesn't show data when clicking several times in row. (Unreproducible)
- Contract Labor | When an empty report is saved there is no message showing an empty report. Adding in error handling to stop an empty report from being saved.
- Printing Preferences | Save Preferences on Sales Order, PO, Work Order | The functionalty for the saved preferences is coming soon.
Bug fixes
- Sales Confirmation | Regression with opening and not bringing in user input if adding manuf. to the product catalog
- Sales Confirmation | Unexpected behavior due to result error
- All Products Tab | Should not show the "Gone" Products
- Sales Payment Report - Additional Features filtered by location and type
Bug fixes
- Sales Payment Report Fixed
- B2B | Crashing when a required field is missing.
Bug fixes
- Sales Commissions, Sales Tax, and Quickbooks Reports are fixed ***Expedited status*** Sales Payment Report will be fixed by end of day 6/18/20
- Quickbooks Report | Improved readability on screen
- Sales Order Print | Invoice and Proposal Status added
Bug fixes
- Contract Labor Report Fixed | Other Reports not generating ***Expedited status*** Fixes should be done by end of day 6/17/20
- Work Order | Print All Lines
- Work Order | Default Option with Ready items
Bug fixes
- Sales Order | Labor Type Dropdown wasn't loading more than 25 items. Upgraded to load up to 500 items.
- Material Screen | "All Products" tab should not show products that are "Gone"
- Sales Confirmation Tab | When user click row it should show Material Detail information to the right
- Sales Order Report | If user saves first saves a sales order without kit lines the Company Info and Sales Order ID won't show on print without a session refresh.
- Sales Order | Payment not showing correct balance visually if the payment modal is closed without entering a payment. The balance shows '0.00' in error.
- Job Cost | Hide Overhead and Bill fields until features are implemented
Bug fixes
- When session is about to expire it does not renew the session and hangs.
- Sales Order | Printable Option is hidden from kit lines
- Ship To | Subd/Bldg and Unit/Lot fields are not saving.
- Material Screen | Material status can be updated even if it is not in the product catalog.
- Product Catalog | Visual issues when on Color or Description and going back to Manufacturer field
- Sales Commission and Contract Labor Report | Stop reports from being saved with empty data. Past reports with empty data will show a message.
- Purchase Order Print | Phone numbers and Email are now showing on Print.
Bug fixes
- Measure Square | Subtotal is correct. Total and Balance are not updating visually, but the correct totals are being saved and can be refreshed to fix the issue until it is fixed.
- Calendar Popup | UI bug with form fill
- Sales Confirmation | Check box not functioning correctly due to a color ID being saved in error
- Sales Order - Retail Price | Price updated incorrectly when unit loses focus on an edit of a product
- Tabs on List/Grid | Refresh data when selected but keep filters
- Measure Square integration | Start a sales order from a project
- Closing Period
Bug fixes
- User should not be able to update their own employee access
- Sales Orders stay assigned to an inactive sales person unless manually updated
- Refresh Filter option has wrong message
- Display issue with hanging downloads on the kits
Bug fixes
- Payments Modal | Date is not saving and fix to dropdown options
- Sales Order | Payment Total not showing correct total without a session refresh
- Material Screen | Discard bug and message error fixed
- Sales Confirmation Tab | Column Setup display issue
Bug fixes
- Import | Spaces are being treated as "0" and creating import errors
- Vendor | Notes not saving
- Sales Commission | Adding validation for the name to be a required field
- Un-assign material feature in material history should not lock a sales order and keep it locked
Bug fixes
- Purchase Order | Updating purchase order was buggy with the "No" option
- Tax/CARE Display Label | Shows in US mode when sales tax already selected
- Sales Order | Spinning of totals on certain user cases
- Measure Square integration | Account login, Uploading projects and saving PDF to a Sales Order
- Un-assign material option in Materials History
- Inventory import added directly to Elastic Search | No need to re-index after import.
- Import | Test an .832 file
Bug fixes
- Job Cost endpoint calling multiple times | Addtional Job Cost fixes
- Sales Tax display bug when clicking on the quantity in a sales order
- Sales Tax display issue before saving the sales order
- Receivables Date Filter fixed
- Material number was not refreshing
- B2B | Hid the "Import Remaining" until the "Update Matching" process is complete
- Cleaned up money formats and decimal places visually
- CARE Display and Calculation fixes
- PO Printing | Layout fixed
- Material Gone fixed
- Sales Order Screen | Estimator button activated and integrated with Measure Square on Demo domains for demo purposes. Upload projects, click on project, save PDF to Sales Order documents.
- Sales Confirmation | Gray background added to material detail info when customer clicks on a row that doesn't have a material assigned.
Bug fixes
- Sales Order Screen | Catches event when data is cleared from a sales order but not saved and the customer moves to another invoice. Fixes error message and total issue.
- Sales Order Screen | Tax Strategy fixes when populating from a contact or when no city is entered.
- Employee Screen | Duplicate username error only shows on the first time. It should show anytime there is a duplicate username.
- Material Screen | Change status of material to Gone and from Gone
- Number font improvements
Bug fixes
- Styling issue when proposal is checked and unchecked.
- Session renews when user is active. Prompts user to stay in session when no activity for 60 minutes.
- Changelog recordings - Ability to track history of changes made by user
- Print Terms and Conditions Footer on Sales Order
- Ability to delete documents from the Document Manager on the Sales Order
- Print Logo on a Sales Order
Bug fixes
- Sales Order Print button is disabled if "Save" is showing. The user must save changes to a sales order before they can print.
- Validations added throughout the app. Notifies user on required fields before they can save.
Bug fixes
- Contract Labor fix on totals and column data
- Fixed pagination on report grids
- Report options with Material List: print, CSV, PDF
Bug fixes
- Fix PO# not saving on manual creation
- Setup Screens | Fixed double tab to get to the next field when a sales invoice is selected in the background.
- Report options with Sales Order List: print, CSV, PDF
- Create, edit, and save: Terms and Conditions Footer for printing on a Sales Order.
Bug fixes
- Line Comments on Sales Order and Work Order showing in correct order.
- SKU fix and added error messaging for the customer.
- Ensure reports are loading the latest data.
- Fix duplicated kit totals on the button click instead of losing field focus.
- Fixed duplicate color being created in Product Catalog
- Added Reference# on Material Screen
Bug fixes
- Update the User Interface | Remove future features
- CARE (California) and Canada - Sales Order, Report Printing
- Updates to Sales Order, Work Order, Quickbooks, and Sales Payment Reports
- Re-index Feature - Customer will no longer have to re-index after B2B and Pricelist import
- Pre-index Test Feature - Customer will be able to ensure data is in sync and up to date.
Bug fixes
- In in the Kit Catalog the retail price doesn't show when you select a description or color
- Employee Screen | Screen Name bug
- When creating a new material from the material screen it doesn't always carry over the data into the product catalog before saving.
- CARE (California) and Canada capabilities
- Additional Sales Order and Material Screen Grid features
- Sales Confirmation Feature
- Document Upload, Download, Save, Drag/Drop Feature | Sales Order
- Line # Feature | Sales Order - You can now see the Sales Order Line #'s
- Work Order Print
Bug fixes
- Employee Access - Password bug on some user cases
- UnJob Cost and Re-Job Cost - implement an automatic save
- Job Cost - Total Cost wass not calculating correctly to the user.
- Job Cost - Unselect All at parent kit level
- Contact, Vendor, Customer fixes
- Material Assignment and Material History bug fixes
- Last Modified Date fix | Product Catalog
- Setup | Company | Phone, fax, email - add/delete fix
- Sales Order Status Fixes
- Setup | Sales Tax Table Modal - Default Template fix
- Product Catalog | Required Product Type and Width validation
- Fixed multiple general error messages with specific messages to help customer
- Product Catalog | Increase visible character size of Description list name (From Description button)
- PO - Send Company info on Update
- Update to auto created customer number
- Sales Order Lock Fix
- Sales Order and Employee Screen | Salesperson validations
- Material Screen Grid | filter, multiple filters, sort
Bug fixes
- Sales Tax Table loading fix in the setup menu
- The first of CARE (California) and Canada capabilities - Print options and updated CARE formula update still in development
- Sales Order Grid filter, multiple filters, sort
- Sales Order Grid "All Sales" tab
- Employee Grid "Other" tab and "All Employee" tab
Bug fixes
- Material assignment message bug fixed
- Customer domain resolves correctly on the first try
Bug fixes
- The install date on a Labor line is now showing the correct format
- The retail pricing on the Kit Catalog is showing and saving
- Fixed expanded dropdown that show after a session has expired
- Sales Order | Proposal option/status
Bug fixes
- Product Type assigning correctly on the color in the product catalog
Bug fixes
- Product Description search results were out of order
- Several updates to the API to prepare for features in future releases
- Added Install Date to Labor Lines. The date is visible when an install date has been assigned.
Bug fixes
- Customer Number
- Inventory Import
- CARE Calculation updated
- Sales Tax Table was breaking when all the items were deleted
- Retail Price Formula was breaking when all items were set to inactive
- B2B was having an issue matching and updating descriptions when the description didn't have colors
Bug fixes
- Product description save and update
- Zip code defined for re-index and search
- Sales Payment Report
- QuickBooks Report
Bug fixes
- Inventory assignment fixes
- Retail pricing fixes
- Product Type bug fixes
- Sales Order Grid - Customer Number updated, still needs work
- Session time logout fix
- Sales Tax Ship To visual fix
- Added additional error handling messages with better descriptions
- Inventory import fix with additional error handling support
- Retail Price Formula on the Product Line
Bug fixes
- Inventory assignment fixes
- Switching locations fix
Bug fixes
- Force current employee to login screen if they update their own username and password
- New employee should always have at least one location assigned upon save. Automatically assigns first location in list if they don't select a location
- Some descriptions were not showing on the materials details screen when a material item was selected from the list on the left
- Purchase Order Fixes with tabs and PO numbers
- Purchase Order
- On Order and Receiving
- A location not in use or never been in use can be deleted
- Updated colors on fields when in focus to help the user see which field they are on
Bug fixes
- Session time-out was fixed.
- Sales Order | Description search was fixed on the product line.
- Bug with the plus sign on the product catalog window.
- When invoice "Completed" only Bill To and Timestamp Notes can be updated/Saved.
- Sales Order header no longer expands automatically after saving a sales order.
- Sales Order Screen | Remove inventory assignment from a product line
- Sales Order Screen | Ability to duplicate a product line that has an inventory assignment, but the inventory assignment will not be duplicated. Just the product info is duplicated
- Sales Tax Detail Report
- Sales Commission Report
- Job Cost | Auto check commissions
Bug fixes
- Sales payment window | fix
- Sales order grid | Pagination, tab, and date fixes
- Job Costing | updates total cost when a kit is added from the kit catalog
- Username/Password issue fixed
- Saved vendor in Material Screen now shows the name instead of the id#
- Inventory assignment fixes
- Material Screen Grid | Foundation put in place (still in development)
Bug fixes
- Job Costing | Gross Profit AC calculation
- Job Costing | Cost updating on the fly as quantity/total changes
- When a sales order is in completed status it is locked down | Message is shown
- Materials Screen | Manufacturer and Description | Works after hitting the "New" button
- Materials Screen | Manufacturer, Description, Color dropdowns not working consistently with searching
- Sales payment window | Balance bug
- Sales Order print PDF view and printing format
Bug fixes
- Material History | Updated Columns and Balance
Bug fixes
- Job Costing | Tax Check Box and Select All
- Lock/Unlock Fix
- Dates showing on Sales Order List
Bug fixes
- Job Costing | Commissions Check Box
- Copy, Delete, Move - update kit totals
- Job Costing
- Sales Order Screen List Updates
- Show B2B Password Field
Bug fixes
- Assigning Materials - Not enough material error message
- Multiple fixes to product catalog, materials screen, and kits
- Label fix on sales order notes
- Totals are updated when kit lines are duplicated
- When a new tax strategy is selected the totals are updated
- Product description list added to product catalog. You can select Manufacturer and Description when viewing either list.
- Sales Tax update with Ship To City selected | Partial Fix
- Job Cost - 1st release. Improvements are in development
- Updates when a new material is created and it's not in the product catalog.
- When a Product Type is selected the correct values populate the fields.
- Cost and retail pricing can now be added to the materials screen.
- When an empty kit is saved on a sales order it will allow you to add a kit to the empty kit.
- Fixed description dropdown on product line to show all search results
- Fixed description dropdown on product line to search using spaces and special characters
- You can manually edit unit total on kit product lines in every case.
- B2B dropdown lists displays alphabetical order.
- Special characters are displayed correctly in lists.
- You can now tax exempt a sales order
- Kit catalog template bug fix on product description display
- Sales order comments and notes with a text editor feature to format your notes.
- Totals box on sales order has a loading message update
- Manufacturer name added to the product description in a product line.
- Unit conversion bug fixed on product lines
- Manufacturer list fixed on product catalog. The complete list can be viewed when a manufacturer is added or deleted.
- Print update for Sales Orders, Commissions, and Labor Reports
- A location is assigned to new employees by default
- Datepicker/Calendar Update
- Hot fixes for totals and elastic search mapping
- Assigning Materials
- Commission and Labor Report
- Labor Report CSV Export
- Sales Order Status and Line Status
- Material note with editor capabilities
- B2B Validations to assist support
Bug fixes
- Assigning Materials - Not enough material error message
- Sales Order# wasn't showing
- Color options loading on the product line
- Indexing, search, total issues
- Salesperson not showing on sales order
- Product Catalog and Material issues
- Sales order status and lock issues
- B2B import issues
- Line status and sales order status
- Job Cost is in Development | Partial feature available on sales order lines
- Assigning Materials is in Development | Partial feature available
- New dropdowns to show more characters
Bug Fixes
- Edit Existing employee and employee info
- Saving/updating username and password
- Sales order lock/unlock
- Installer/Labor dropdown in Employee screen not showing saved level
- Set correct tax table when saving sales order
- Colors showing on material detail when selected from list
- Product Catalog buttons
- Multiple manufactures can not have the same name. It must be unique.
- Sales orders were not saving properly
- Contacts and Contact Manager throwing error - not loading
- Elastic Search fixes for indexing/searching data
- Fixed several broken API's
- Product Catalog API and UI fixes
- Material Screen API and UI fixes
- Job Cost Visual Updates - still in development
- Material Dropdown showing on Product Line pulling from inventory - assigning still in development
- Description, Color, Installer changes - recalculate cost
- Updating Sales Order Print Layout
- Dropdown and Manufacturer list go in alphabetical order
- Additional UI Bug Fixes
- Workflow Updates
- Removed unnecessary save confirmation windows
- UI Bug Fixes
- UI bug fixes
- Sales Order Print fixes
- Sales Tax Export
- Updated UI icons, labels, and bugs | Kits to Lines
- Menu item bug with disappearing icons fixed
- Product Catalog Manufacturer Button | Shows full list of Manufacturers
- UI Tab Flow/Updates
- Updated Job Cost and some basic functionality
- Search/Sort bug fixes
- Sales Order Print Lump Sum
- Contact Manager bug fixes
- Calendar Updates
- Sales Tax bug fixes
- Export Product Catalog by Manufacturer
- Assigning Sales Rep to Sales Order
- Kit line, gray out and unable to edit
- Updated Job Cost look (functionality coming soon)
- Payments on a Sales Order
- Working totals on Kits and on all Sales Orders
- View and Print Sale Order Report
- Materials Screen
- Inventory
- B2B, Product Catalog, Product Types
- Customer, Vendor, Contact Manager
- Kit Catalog
- Several Setup Screens, Employee Screen
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